Introducing EtherMoths $EMH!

3 min readAug 28, 2021


1. Introduction

With upcoming surge of NFTs where the entire ecosystem has grown immensely, we noticed that most of these NFTs have little to no use cases with most of them being made as just a piece of art that can be sold on Opensea.

The art was selling, which is amazing, but people were always asking for more things to do with their NFTs once they were in their possession. They felt that it would be amazing if the NFTs they held could be used either in a game or if it could provide them more value just by simply holding it.

2. How EtherMoths was born

In response to the increasing demand from the market for NFTs to have a better use case, we decided to launch EtherMoths. In doing so, we are creating the first ever community driven NFT card collection game which will combine play-to-earn functionality with common, rare and legendary NFT staking.

Each NFT will have the ability to be staked. Legendary NFTs will provide the best yield and rare NFTs will have a higher yield over common NFTs.

3. NFT staking

Each NFT has been made with quality in mind by professional artists from our community.

EtherMoths will have a total supply of 10.000 $EMH. When minted, each NFT has a chance to be common, rare or a legendary, with drop rates being 80% for common, 15% for rare and 5% legendary NFTs.

This means that there will be roughly 500 legendaries, 1.500 rares and 8.000 common NFTs.

There are total of 300 unique images, so there will be some duplicates when minting NFTs, but this is to be expected in a card collection game. The rarity of the minted NFTs will be seen on Opensea, but it’s going to be easy to detect common from a legendary just by looking at it. Duplicates will not affect the yield users are getting during the NFT staking.

4. EtherMoths Power Token $EPT

While staking NFTs, users will receive rewards in the deflationary token EtherMoths Power Token $EPT.

This token will be used as an in-game-currency for the EtherMoths game and will be listed on Uniswap at launch.

There will also be a pool for liquidity providers as well, but NFT staking will provide much better yields.

In order to purchase something for the EtherMoths game, the user will have to buy $EPT which will in turn raise the price on Uniswap. Each purchase will burn 80% of tokens with the remainder going to the team to fund future development and marketing. Details for the entire token economy of $EPT will be released shortly.

5. The Game

The process for game launch will be following:

  1. Game Design Finalization
  2. Game Prototype
  3. Game Launch

During the finalization, the complete game rules and mechanics will be released, bearing in mind the feedback received from the EtherMoths community.

During the Game prototype phase, loyal community members willing to test the game will be selected in order to find potential bugs or exploits and be rewarded for their efforts. After the game prototype phase the game will be launched with all functionalities mentioned before.

6. Moving forward

There were many things discussed in this article. In next article we will go into more detail about the upcoming sale and giveaways EtherMoths will be having.

Thank you to all of our dear community members who supported us and gave us the idea and problems which needed to be solved.

Stay up to date with our progress by following us on our social media accounts:





Written by EtherMoths

EtherMoths is an NFT collectible card game ecosystem which combines play-to-earn functionality combined with normal, rare and legendary NFT Staking.

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